The Riley County Elections Division invites K-Staters to participate in advance voting, available now through noon on Monday, Nov. 4. A great turnout is expected on Election Day on Tuesday, Nov. 5, and voting in advance is one way to avoid long lines at the polling places.
Please note: Each advance voter must show photo identification before receiving a ballot. A student ID card from an accredited post-secondary institution in Kansas, such as Kansas State University, meets the ID requirement.
Advance voting is available on the following times and dates in the Bluemont Room on the second floor of the K-State Student Union:
10 a.m. to noon Friday, Oct. 25
10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday, Oct. 28, through Thursday, Oct. 31
10 a.m. to noon Friday, Nov. 1
10 a.m. to noon Monday, Nov. 4
Additional opportunities for advance voting are available at the Riley County Office Building. Learn more on the Riley County election website.
(This article has been copied and reshared from https://www.k-state.edu/today/students/announcement/?id=100711)